Friday, October 17, 2008

Guatemala Mission Trip - Textures

In preparation for our mission trip to Guatemala, we were given a book on prayer walking. The website has a good definition of prayer walking.

Prayer walking is the practice of praying on location, a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. Some people believe that being close to a location allows them to “pray nearer to pray clearer.” Prayer walks are taken by individuals, groups, and even whole churches. They can be as short as a block or as long as many miles. The idea is to use the five senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch—to increase the intercessor’s understanding of prayer needs.

As we walked through the area in Guatemala where we were to visit, we stopped periodically to pray as our senses were "engaged by the Spirit of God."

As a photographer (and a male), I am drawn to visual images (the sense of sight). So that I can continue to pray for the area where we visited, I took several photographs of "textures" that I saw in the area.

They dress Him in purple...
The Light of God's Love Penetrates ...
The Master Craftsman Weaves a Covering of Protection....
He will be like a tree planted by streams of living water...

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